Digest of Worldwide New Philatelic Issues

Here listed all worldwide latest comprehensive philatelic information,
and high quality stamps pictures, will good for all your

philatelic reference use.

Always welcome for all latest philatelic news and high quality
stamps pictures,

will publishing in this simple philatelic blog to share with all
worldwide collectors.

Thanks all the Postal Authorities and Philatelic
Service kindly provide all the useful
philatelic information and high quality

specimen images.

Welcome to exchange philatelic issues.

George WU
Xiulang P.O. Box 155,
Yungho, Taipei 23499,
Republic of China.

My email: gtmwu@hotmail.com




歡迎各位來到這裡, 將可看到各國最新的郵票資訊,
相關資料, 可以分享熱愛郵的朋友們.

從郵票看天下糊塗鳥事, 嘻笑怒罵輕鬆玩不必認真.